
5 Years
Feb 24, 2018
My indian runner duckling came of of his shell 8 hours ago and was fine until now. He has started violently throwing his head back and it seems like he is goin to die. I had this problem last year with lots of ducklings but i blamed it on inbreeding ( i had bought their parents as a pair ) However i have been reading that this can also be down to a defiency in a vitamin. I had ducklings hatch 6 weeks ago and they are fine.
What do i do with this duckling? He is still in the incubator and I dont have any multivitamins to give him.

Any advice would be much appreciated!
A lack of thiamine (B1) can cause convulsions. So can an absence of B6. I would smash some B-complex tablets and add them to the water, if you have them. I would also do this especially before collecting hatching eggs.

If you don't have vitamin B complex tablets, most B vitamins can be found in spinach or dandelions. I'm not sure how you would feed those to a duckling, though. Perhaps a tea?

Good luck. Hope he makes it, and welcome to BYC.
I got a vitamin b tonic of my vet and i have given him 1ml. He is just the same but ill give it time to work. He has also starting pooing. So do i need to start feeding him? He seems to want the medicine so i think hes thristy.
Thanks for ur help!

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