I definitly agree with this as far as private property goes--- how would 'they' know when I got my Muscovies? But what I worry about is the part of the bill that talks about the irradication of populations on public land. I know that this was pretty much already allowed, but this seems to sanction this brutality even more. GOD FORBID somthing poop on our sidewalks and get away with it...
wow are they still available from hatcheries? I would guess that if you had some you did not want to eat and just kept as pets they could not do much as who is to say when you are going to eat them.
I am guessing that their is way too many WILD MUSCOUVIES or they would not have it as an issue. I can't see how ducks of any kind can be overpopulated with all the redneck hunters around every corner of the whole US.
Sounds like the typical case of bad apples ruining the whole barrel for everyone else. Irresponsible animal owners willy nilly releasing their unwanted animals into the wild, with no thought for the impact on either the animal or the natural population. How stupid.

I live very near the Chesapeake Bay, which we all know is a critically endangered ecosystem (for a variety of reasons), and I'm well aware of the horrible damage non-native species can do to the native flora and fauna. I understand why Fish and Wildlife had to adopt the regulation, but again, it's a terrible shame it has widespread implications for responsible would-be Muscovy owners.
You know, I live here in Florida, and there is always alot of chatter about the muscovies, but I seriously don't see what the problem is! It's really NOT like they are EVERYWHERE and we're all wading around in duck poop or something! They are around, but, too me, in a very pleasant way. I really don't see this 'big overpopulation' issue as an evident part of life here. Though, I agree, from the way some people TALK about it, you would think we are living in the Muscovy version of Hitchcock's THE BIRDS! I don't get it!
Honestly, the people that I generally hear complaining are proprieters and homeowners who don't like them pooping on their sidewalks. Personally, I think this is a pretty weak reson to go killing something. And for krimenies sake, stop feeding them garbage carbs like bread and maybe they won't be making disgusting poops on your lawns, jerks!!!

Sorry , had to vent!
Giving away muscovies for free would be illegal without a permit...

I get the feeling that they won't enforce this law for pet owners at the federal level. They'll let the local authorities handle it however they want.
The biggest implication is that it will be very difficult for people to buy new muscovies and any sales/trades would need to be under the table. No easy internet searches or forum postings to buy/sell them.
The tenth Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Since I have never read the word duck or muscovy in the Constitution, then this law is illegal. The congress and the president (and any group they try to give power to) has NO POWER to make any such law.

It's only when the people forget the constitution that they are able to get away with passing illegal laws.

The federal government does have the power to regulate interstate commerce, so they could ban shipping muscovies and muscovy eggs between states. But the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS NO POWER INSIDE THE STATES! Anyone who says differently has never read the constitution.

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