muscovy broody


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
my muscovie has made a nest and sitting on her infertile eggs for a bout 4 days now my questions is if i replace eggs with fertile one later will she stop sitting after 35 days or will she tell the eggs are still alive.
Most muscovies are diligent broodies, and chances are that she will go beyond the 35 day period. I would recommend getting her some eggs as quickly as is possible.
Most muscovies are diligent broodies, and chances are that she will go beyond the 35 day period. I would recommend getting her some eggs as quickly as is possible.
also she is getting verty territorial and just chased one of the ducklings around then seemed like pecking its head but however it seemed unhurt just frighted could this be a problem. they not very very young and this one is considerably bigger.

also if later on i take all eggs out then return week later with new fertile eggs will she sit or will this break her broody streak and if she sits will it be for full time.

sorry im new to muscovy and using as broody much help is apreciated
so would it be best to wait untill 35 days with few extra when muscovy knows the eggs wont hatch and then set them down?
because im wanting to do them from 2 runners i have. also should i put them in the same nest spot?
If you have fertile duck eggs today then by all means put them under her, take out the duds, do it as casually as possible or when she goes out for her poop eat and drink time. Ducks can't count she will continue to sit till they hatch, just make sure she stays in good form, eating good feed and fresh water, maybe even adding some poultry vitamins to her water to keep her as fit as possible.Let her keep the nest she is in or you may break her they don't like to be moved.

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