Muscovy Duck Genders


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
I am no expert and need help. I have three that all appear to be similar in size. I have bantam chickens so that is hard to gauge the size. There legs all appear the same thickness and length. The white ones have blue eyes but have a few dark spots on them. Thank-you!!

aww they are beautiful i have found that the females start growing wing feathers before the males so if any of them have wing feathers or get them soon then they are probly females but if it takes them a while longer then they might be drakes
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Well, usually drakelets outside ducks, that is the dead giveaway before much else.

For example... the duckling at the top was the girl, all the rest are drakes.

How old are they? they aren't looking drake to me but pics are hard, perspectives are skewed.
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watch them while they grow the females wing feathers usually grow quicker
the yellow one on the left is the female starting to grow wings and the one on the right is a drake the same age he didn't have any wing feathers at the time
Sorry not a good pic but it's hot outside and everyone was sleeping.

"Dragon, Shelley and Sponge-Bob" They are still growing at the same rate so I am sure they are all girls or all boys. They talk softly to each other and don't mind the *blind* polish chicks sleeping with them. They are super spoiled having access to my fenced off 1/3 acre apple tree orchard and established veggie/berry garden as I have some beastly game hens. I have one guard game hen "Misery" that will chase deer, rabbits, squirrels right off our property so I wanted the ducks and chicks to grow up some. She is Misery because when I first got her and her siblings became very ill and I had them in isolation on the other side of the property. I had to move them twice daily to different cages everyday for a month and she screamed every time like I was murdering her... I always picked her up gently from underneath. Her sisters were angels. Anyways.. getting off track. I decided to move my chicken tractor beside my garden fence and cut a hole through for access during the day and lock them in the chicken tractor at night. I tell you I have never seen my older chickens so jealous watching these 8 weeks old chicks and ducks having a party in the veggie patch. I don't feel to badly though as they have there own acre to mess up! I guess since I never let the older ones in the large veggie patch it is understandable.
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