Muscovy Ducks

Zach Holmes

Jun 20, 2017
Hi I'm new here and I was wondering something. I just got Muscovy ducks 2 days ago (They were about 4 years old on my uncles farm) and we kept them in a cage for about 2 days, They had food, water, and everything. When we got everything settled and let them out they ate food, groomed themselves, and then wandered off to a neighbors house. We got them back to our duck house (That we made just for them), and They both flew off past my creek. I waited a day and there was the female, happy and content. We hadn't seen the Male in 3 days. She at night went up to the neighbors pine tree and stayed up there for 24 hours. she got down and we got a call that the Male Muscovy was nearby, and of course we we're going to pick him up. we couldn't so I just herded him towards my house. The male sees the female, walks toward her and she would not stop complaining at him. so we went back inside and a hour later we discovered that the male flew away. The female was fine but later that night she flew away too. I'm still waiting for her to come back and Im wondering how to keep the ducks on our property

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