muscovy hen seems clueless hatching


12 Years
May 13, 2011
North Alabama
So the one hen is sitting on about 20 eggs. she kicked 4 out of her nest box.. one had hatched but was not being kept warm so I brought it into the brooder where I have 4 other ducklings from other hens.. When I went back out, another had hatched and was not being attended to, so I added that one to the brooder. THey are still drying out and no idea how long the first duck was chilling down ( it is still in the 80s) and not very active. I am waiting to see the status in the morning. THere are 4 hens in the duck house sitting on eggs.Why would a hen not take care of her newborns? I have a 5th hen in another coop and her 17 are doing fine on day 3... Mind you I coudnt get anywhere near her ducklings.
Is it her first hatch? Might not understand what is going on yet.
If it is not her first hatch, they will kick out those that might have something wrong with them. But, it almost sounds like her first hatch?

What are you going to do with all the muscovies? :jumpy

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