Muscovy sitting on guinea eggs.. any suggestions?


12 Years
May 13, 2011
North Alabama
So I have been getting 3-4 eggs a day I think from 8 guineas. I long ago gave up trying to figure out who's a boy and who's a girl. The guineas have 6 metal nesting boxes in their run, but no one uses them. A duck however thought the tote in there made a great nest and is sitting on a clutch. Now the guineas are laying in the duck run... 2 duck hens were sitting in there but the guineas started laying in box#3. Why I have no idea. I took 30 duck and guinea eggs out last weekend and put them in an incubator ( why I have no idea as I already have 42 guinea eggs due on the 21st in the other incubator. ) then the unthinkable happened.. Jill ( brown muscovy) got off her clutch on Monday and decided nest 3 looked good. There were a few new duck eggs ( I have 5 hens and only 3 sitting) and at least a dozen guinea.. I put her 2/3 done eggs that she abandoned in the open slots of incubator 2 as she wouldnt let me near her box.

Now I have had an occasional chicken hatch out from a clutch of duck eggs, and the duck just keeps sitting somehow knowing that the odd creature wasn't supposed to hatch yet and the mamma waits for the rest to hatch 10 days later. Guineas however at NOT chickens. and due 5 days before the duck eggs will hatch, not 2 weeks. Also guineas are spastic compared to baby ducks and chicks. Any idea what will happen when they hatch? I am tempted to let them stay with the duck as catching them is always a challenge. Or will they see the adult guineas outside and go be with them ( given guinea brains, that is almost certain death although this group of 8 out of 30 has survived a year now). however no guinea hen has opted to sit on a clutch and yesterday i got no new guinea eggs so I guess I will need to go look for them in the woods.
The Guineas chicks will imprint on who they see first which will be your duck, so what happens when mama duck wants to take her chicks swimming? After hatch I think best thing to do would be to take the chicks and brood them yourself. Unless you have a broody Guinea they are aren't going to accept the chicks either. Does mama duck have any duck eggs in her nest too so if you take the G chicks she'll still have something to hatch?
there are a few, but not so many.... This hen HAD a whole clutch but she got off them..... I am wondering if I should giver her the ones she abandoned ( which are not in an incubator) when they hatched and try to get the new eggs away from her...
She doesn't come out at all? if not make her, she needs to relieve herself or she'll mess up those eggs big time. She also needs to eat properly and bathe. If you have to put on gloves and long sleeves and pick her up and set her outside then remove the guinea eggs and put her eggs back under her.
She doesn't come out at all? if not make her, she needs to relieve herself or she'll mess up those eggs big time. She also needs to eat properly and bathe. If you have to put on gloves and long sleeves and pick her up and set her outside then remove the guinea eggs and put her eggs back under her.
I am at work during the day when she goes out. At this point, she changed eggs back on Monday so if I completely replace eggs, she may abandon both clutches.
She doesn't come out at all? if not make her, she needs to relieve herself or she'll mess up those eggs big time. She also needs to eat properly and bathe. If you have to put on gloves and long sleeves and pick her up and set her outside then remove the guinea eggs and put her eggs back under her.
I am at work during the day when she goes out. At this point, she changed eggs back on Monday so if I completely replace eggs, she may abandon both clutches.
I really don't think she would notice as long as they are eggs, I believe my muscovies would sit snake eggs once they go broody full time. But this is up to you always. You know your ducks much better than I.

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