Muscovy....The Quackless Duck? Not Exactly....

Good question. Seems to me if they are more closely (even slightly) related to geese and they can breed with ducks, they ought to be able to breed with geese as well. Never heard of a muscovie/geese hybrid but that would definitely be an interesting bird.
Well, that is an interesting idea. I already have a friend who calls my mature drake "my gander". She just gets confused because he's so big I guess.
Muscovies cannot cross with geese.

They are typically quiet unless distressed.
Mine usually only do their Muscovy honk briefly if
getting bit by another duck.
The females make an assortment of trilling and chortling noises but again only if something unusual is going on to get them riled up.
If your duck has no other duck companions it could be the reason why its more insecure and noisy.
Most critters like being with their own kind no matter how much we think we can fulfill their instinctual needs.
That's interesting, I had no idea they were closely related to geese.

keeper.....Thats exactly what she does, is honk and head bob, honk and head bob..... I think it's pretty cute, and definitely entertaining. A definite difference from the quiet chortling she normally does.

19belgian/pirty.....The kitties worried me when she was a duckling, but they all get along so well. The kitties tolerate her (I don't know if they exactly *like* her lol) but they have a healthy respect for her and have taken a duckbill to the face when they overstep their bounds in her opinion.
Nobody likes to see their kitties get beat up by a duck, but as long as she keeps them in line, I worry about her safety very little.

Cottage.....Q also chortles and trills a LOT throughout the day. She does it while she's eating, drinking, foraging, preening, playing with toys, and when she's gettin' some pettins. Actually, I think the only time she's not talking is when she's sleeping. lol

I'm not sure I'd classify her as insecure though. Like right now, as I type this, she is climbing the stairs to the second floor just to get a change of scenery. When she's ready to come down she'll honk and peep until I go get her (she's great at going up, hasn't mastered comin down yet lol). I don't know that she actually realizes that she's NOT one of us.
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/img/smilies/big_smile.png Actually I'm not sure that she's *not* a hybrid, but from what I've seen, she has all the muscovy characteristics....

She is 14 weeks old. Here are some current pics....





These were a couple weeks ago:


She's an excellent flyer, she is generally quiet (except this new honking thing lol) and she does chortle mostly. She is only about 4 pounds.

She looks a lot like my Mallard/Scovies. I have had a bunch of pure scovies and the females tend to whistle and kind of quietly quack but usually nothing super loud but my cross ones omg they talked up a storm. She's adorable though. Isn't the head bob thing the cutest thing ever? My Big male Scovie also puts his beak in the air and looks like he's laughing when I say ha ha ha to him. It's adorable. They are truly the best pets ever!
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