Mushy Chick Disease? What is going on here?


Nov 26, 2018
Quesnel, BC
Ok, so me again! Sorry :(

FIRST QUESTION: can I take all the eggs out of the incubator and clean it? It's just so gross and stinky in there. There are 8 more eggs to hatch - 5 have pipped holes.

This chick hatched last night at about 11 PM - and its snuggling so hard - its still super wet, can't stand, it's leg keeps shaking - and I am not so sure its umbilical cord looks normal? Please help :( Poor little thing.


That looks like a herniated navel to me. You can try to keep Neosporin (with no pain meds added) on it to avoid infection, but chicks with this condition are very fragile so I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped off suddenly.

Also I don't know if others would recommend this (tell me I'm crazy if this is a terrible idea) but if I saw the chick was still this wet I'd probably blow dry it without heat to fluff it up so it could start regulating its own temperature better.
OH MAN!!!!! :( I don't have a blow dryer otherwise I probably would have! I took it out and put it on a heating pad under some towels and its loving live sleeping and tweeting - tried to give a bit of water - seems unintersted. Poor little dude.
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Hope he pulls through. :fl
HEY ALL HE OR SHE PULLED THROUGH!!! i put her in a cooking pot with a heating pad and blanket made it super cozy and she dried out and is now walking eating and drinking!

And i just finished a 3 day process of an assisted hatch on another turkey poult turned the wrong way and pipped the wrong end of the egg...yay me!!
HEY ALL HE OR SHE PULLED THROUGH!!! i put her in a cooking pot with a heating pad and blanket made it super cozy and she dried out and is now walking eating and drinking!

And i just finished a 3 day process of an assisted hatch on another turkey poult turned the wrong way and pipped the wrong end of the egg...yay me!!

Glad to hear he pulled through!

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