My “hen” started crowing?


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
She is probably one of the least dominant girls in the flock, she goes whenever the leader goes and has never acted in any way like my previous roosters. I woke up today to find her crowing at the top of her little lungs. (She’s 5 months old)

Does she look like a rooster to any of you? Or maybe just a crowing hen?
View attachment 1510154 View attachment 1510153 She is probably one of the least dominant girls in the flock, she goes whenever the leader goes and has never acted in any way like my previous roosters. I woke up today to find her crowing at the top of her little lungs. (She’s 5 months old)

Does she look like a rooster to any of you? Or maybe just a crowing hen?
That’s a little cockerel. Cochins never get very big combs and waddles.
Looks older than 6 weeks to me.
I wasn't necessarily implying OP's cutie is 6 weeks, more that mine looked very similar at specified age and up. :) Guess what's throwing me off is the fact that neither my 5-month-old pullets OR cockerels lined up with this little one. :confused:

I wasn't necessarily implying OP's cutie is 6 weeks, more that mine looked very similar at specified age and up. :) Guess what's throwing me off is the fact that neither my 5-month-old pullets OR cockerels lined up with this little one. :confused:

Yeah, I'm thrown, too. Pullet crowing is not so common as one would believe from reading these forums, so I'm inclined to think it is a very late developing cockerel. But the feathering shows no signs of that, and if 5 months is right, then that adds to the confusion, because it should be showing male feathering by then.

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