my 3 month old Araucana does not like to be bothered

I got them when they were 1 day old and just held them each for about 20 mins a day and let them feed out of my hand everyday, and made sure I was down in their box and talking to them whenever I got the chance. They are a little over 3 months now and I still pick each up (except the aruacana cause she does not like it she will only walk up on my arm, ) and I hold them for a few till they get antsy. Treats DEF work! I would just say pick each up alot and hold them. It worked for me.
Good Luck:thumbsup
If I remember right, Araucanas are more independant and don't like the petting friendly thing that pet people want. I think its Blue Skys that breeds them and that has come up before.

People, these are chickens, albet newly turned pets of late. If you have small children be a little more careful. If they trip and fall, the chickens will peck them. If you have a red scratch on your leg or arm, they will peck it and it will hurt and bleed. It is instinct. It is their nature. They are decendants of dinasaurs after all and we should never forget it. My chickens are killers, literally. When young they have attacked their own, sick or injured siblings. Now I cull early to prevent such behavior. They kill mice, snakes, eat worms and giant grass hoppers. But they will also chase large snakes across the yard away from me to get it tangled in the garden bird netting around the bottom of the garden that is there for that purpose. After all, I am the keeper of the feed can and the treat pie pans, I have the hands that pet and give them lovings so they have to protect me.

That said. I have several that don't want to go to bed till they have their lovings. My Granddaughters Little White Hen has to have her petting every night or she will jump on my shoulder before I get out of the hen house. I may forget but she never does. And when the GD is here for a visit. That hen gets carried around most of each day and gets hand fed treats, scratch and her feed. She does get put down for water drinks. But if GD has any scratches (a regular tom boy) they get covered with bandaides while she is here.

Chickens keep life interesting around here and the dogs help out if things get boring.
Mine has tufts on its side of her head. She reminds me of George Munster HAHA!
Tufts are usually visible once the chicks fluffs up after they hatch. If tufts don't appear by 1 week, I think they usually don't. An araucana that does not have tufts, 99% of the time does not carry the tufted gene and cannot pass tufts on. I say 99% because every once in a while a bird will have internal tufts and will carry the tufted gene. Its is pretty rare though, is my understanding.

I have an araucana roo that thinks I am his girl friend. He is always bringing me treats. Yech! I also have a chick that thinks I am its mommy and runs to me while the other araucana chicks run away.


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