My 3 week olds


May 9, 2016
My 11 3 week olds have been moved out to the barn into a larger pen beside the coop where the larger chickens are. They were starting fly out of the brooder in my basement. The temperatures are around 20-23 degrees Celsius in the day and goes into the teens at night. My barn is always cooler than outside. Their feathers are almost in but I still have. Lamp on them for now. Should I? I just worry about them. They can always move away from it if they need it is my thought. Here they are in their pen. I give them access in the day when big ones are outside.
I keep heat available until they move on their own to the chick roost. Mine have moved around 4-5 weeks or once mostly feathered. As long as you aren't overheating their space and they have the option for cool air, having the heat available won't hurt them. Just please be careful with the lamp, secure it and secure it again because active chicks plus litter and lamp can result in fire.
I keep heat available until they move on their own to the chick roost. Mine have moved around 4-5 weeks or once mostly feathered. As long as you aren't overheating their space and they have the option for cool air, having the heat available won't hurt them. Just please be careful with the lamp, secure it and secure it again because active chicks plus litter and lamp can result in fire.
Thanks for the advice. Yes the lamp is secure. I raised 7 other chicks with the system. So far so good. Lol . When they are fully feathered it should definitely be warm enough for them not to need it. They are just so young I worry. When I pick them up they are always warm. That one good thing about chicks. They will always go where the right amount of warmth is. They roost branches so hopefully I see that happening soon. They are divided from the big ones with a dog pen fence so they can see each other. I find that the integration later is so much easier when they live side by side for a while.

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