My $5 chick just became a $500 chicken!!

Talullah, did you ever get your earring back?
Unfortunately, I never recovered my earring. I made a few attempts at collecting and then squishing through the poop to look for it (and believe me, that's every bit as fun as it sounds!) but it never turned up. At this point I think Noodle is destined to have have an especially fancy gizzard for the rest of her life! I may have to rename her Zsa Zsa. :lol: And my husband now knows exactly what I want for Christmas this year...
I just took a marble from one and a dime from another of my roosters' gizzards. We are now roosterless (aside from who knows how many up and coming cockerels—they're rose combed and I can't tell yet which are boys and which are girls.) My hens are enjoying their reprieve. Hopefully they'll have time to regrow a few feathers before the next wave rolls in. Meanwhile it's chicken & rice for supper. 😋

BTW, the dime was quite worn down, but your diamond should be okay when it comes time to retrieve it. :hugs
Unfortunately, I never recovered my earring. I made a few attempts at collecting and then squishing through the poop to look for it (and believe me, that's every bit as fun as it sounds!) but it never turned up. At this point I think Noodle is destined to have have an especially fancy gizzard for the rest of her life! I may have to rename her Zsa Zsa. :lol: And my husband now knows exactly what I want for Christmas this year...

Sorry about your earring (and the effort it took looking for it)!
I just took a marble from one and a dime from another of my roosters' gizzards. We are now roosterless (aside from who knows how many up and coming cockerels—they're rose combed and I can't tell yet which are boys and which are girls.) My hens are enjoying their reprieve. Hopefully they'll have time to regrow a few feathers before the next wave rolls in. Meanwhile it's chicken & rice for supper. 😋

BTW, the dime was quite worn down, but your diamond should be okay when it comes time to retrieve it. :hugs

A 10cent chicken dinner, way to go Cindy!

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