My 6 mo old BR hen has something stuck in her throat


11 Years
Nov 16, 2011
My young hen began meowing and having trouble breathing. I let it go a couple days to work itself out. It is allergy season here, everything in bloom. I dropped RX Med down her throat twice but no help. My poor baby hen who's only 6 months old and the sweetest of all, has a lump in her throat. It feels 1/2 the size of a marble. When I touch it she sneezes and gets saliva. I don't know how to help her. Squeeze it out or push it down or give her olive oil or get her meds or or or....anyone with experience please help. She's so sweet.

They are free range.

Thank you.
First, let's determine if the blockage is in her trachea or in her esophagus before trying to force the blockage to move.

Have someone hold the hen while you look into her throat with a strong flashlight. The trachea is behind the glottis at the back of the tongue. If that's where the object is, you what to try to grasp it with long tweezers and pull it out.

If the blockage is in the right side of her throat, her right, not yours, then you might be able to tell if it's food or a foreign object. If food, coconut oil may help it go down, but you want to extract a foreign object.

If this object is already inside the crop, then raw egg white may be able to flush it down if it's not a solid object that won't digest. If it's the latter, you may need to remove it from the crop surgically.
First, let's determine if the blockage is in her trachea or in her esophagus before trying to force the blockage to move.

Have someone hold the hen while you look into her throat with a strong flashlight. The trachea is behind the glottis at the back of the tongue. If that's where the object is, you what to try to grasp it with long tweezers and pull it out.

If the blockage is in the right side of her throat, her right, not yours, then you might be able to tell if it's food or a foreign object. If food, coconut oil may help it go down, but you want to extract a foreign object.

If this object is already inside the crop, then raw egg white may be able to flush it down if it's not a solid object that won't digest. If it's the latter, you may need to remove it from the crop surgically.
Thank you.
Also, is it possible that it’s a tumor? I remember a post a while back where someone thought their hen’s throat was blocked and caused a lot of pain trying to massage it down/pull it out before realizing it was actually a tumor.
Oh that's really terrible. I know it is possible but also unlikely since she is only 6 months old. Could happen but this was a quick thing and not something I noticed as gradual. I'm with them every day and she loves me. Always with me.

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