My ameraucana has no neck feathers!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 19, 2014
Any ideas how to help me help her? It started a couple of months ago, just prior to her being a year old. And the more time goes on, the more bare her neck.

I have checked for mites and lice on her and other birds and see no signs.

She is not being bullied.

I have switched their food to higher protein. They free range all day, though.

Nothing seems to help. It is only on her neck. And besides the fact that she is starting to look like a turkens, she is normal. Egg laying and other behaviors are normal.

Thanks for advising!!
Some hens will molt just on the neck, usually younger hens or out of the regular seasonal molt.
They usually start growing feathers in, are you sure no one is pulling them out, that would be my other thought.
I have never seen another hen pull them out. I have seen her reach around there and pick at them, so I assumed it was her. That's why I upped the protein. She is definitely not bottom of pecking order.

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