My beautiful roo started crowing!

mommas chickens

8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Spring Creek, NV
Oh no my beautiful roo started crowing hes so sweet and as of right now hasnt been to rough on the girls, we dont have laws against roosters out here but I do have neighbors who work night shifts so hopefully he keeps himself under control a little cause if any one complains he has to go. The plan was he was gonna go any way but Ive grown very attached to him he's so sweet he will even let my 2yr old hold him!

Stewie 15wks old
He does have very nice color. I'm assuming Buff Orpington? It's a good thing he's not aggressive or rough on the girls. My grandma's BO rooster is somewhat aggressive toward strangers in his pen except for me and gma. But as far as his girls, he loves them and isn't rough on them either.
I have two roosters that are 7 weeks and one of them is trying to crow and very aggressive around anyone but me (I feel so special! haha) and the other one is really sweet to everyone and barely makes any noise! ^_^
ahh I have a barred rock hen that was given to me and she's really aggressive I have to watch my son around her she's constantly going after him, so she may go before my roo does.
be very careful with a roo and a 2 year old. They can be a pet today, and peck out eyes tomorrow. They are not trust worthy, especially as they come into their hormones. If you check these boards, they are filled with stories that the roo was a perfect pet one day, and attacking nightmare the next. They almost always attack children first.

The one's I was given are aggressive I'm not sure if it's the norm for the barred rocks though. Yeah I had a friend when we younger that was eating a pickle and it attacked her bad! So needless to say my guy will be gone by the end of the summer
That's weird about the BR. My flock of them are very very sweet and gentile. They normally just walk out of the way if we are doing work in and around the coop, especially collecting eggs. They clear out, almost like saying "Here, please come collect our hard work for the day!!"
I have 3 cockerels and the first day they crowed at me, I was THRILLED! I had no idea I'd love hearing them haha. They all still sound pretty sick. That was a couple weeks ago and I am still crowing sometimes to get them going so I can have a laugh. Oh I love those boys now! One is so cuddly and SOFT, I pick him up and bury my nose in the back of his neck. He doesn't really like it that much but he doesn't object too strongly either. Love my orps!

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