My black sex link is acting weird.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Spartanburg sc
The other day i went in to my coop to feed my girls. It was business as usual my barred rocks ran from me and sat in a corner and my two sex links stay under-foot. I have a 10x 6 run 6x6 of it i can reach with out bending down. Their feeder is in the 4 feet under the coop. As i bend down to get under the coop my sex link lays down and wont move. She is laying in the place my knee needs to go. So i try to move her with my one free hand. I nudge her a few times and pet her. Then she makes a loud caw and ruffles her feathers and moves out of my way. Doing a little research on this i think i just got raped. I read that the stance she was making was the one for mating and the caw and ruffling was an orgasm. After watching a video of this i have confirmed that she did. The other sex link does the same thing when ever i go to change their water. Does this go away with time? Do i need a rooster? They are always at my feet and i don't wanna accidentally hurt my girls. I don't know if this will help but the sex links are 6 months old and the barred rocks are 5 months. My barred rocks have yet to exhibit this behavior but i think it is to be expected. And i am still waiting on my first eggs.
That means they are squatting for you.This behavior is usually around the time they start to lay.You don't need to have a rooster unless your want one they will show this behavior with or without a rooster.Your Barred rock probably hasn't showed this because she's younger.Hope you get your first eggs soon! :)
Been a bit since i posted on this, my girls started laying the day after my last post.
And i'm still getting used to the squatting thing. I'll let them out to eat grass and bugs and if i'm not careful they will squat right in front of me. I have tripped over them once or twice, no one was hurt, it did make for a laugh.

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