My boy emu...I just love him.

Yinepu, more thoughts on the 'cold high winds,' please.

I ruckon emus hate wind in general because it reduces their safety margin: their hearing is a primary defense. But in your case is it the cold of the wind, or the wind of the wind?


it's definitely the cold... normally when it's just a bit too windy (warm or cool wind) they will move to the low end of the pasture.. there is a small rise opposite it which causes them to be in a sort of valley or dip in the landscape... so it acts as a natural wind block...

but when the temps dip and the wind is very cold (with a windchill well below freezing) they will go sit in front of the coops and use them as a wind block.. plus there they get to absorb some of the heat which comes from the coops...

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