My Brahma has sores on her wattles


Jul 5, 2022
I have a hen that either has sores from pecking or pox, however, we have had no mosquitos quite a while. And I have friend whose flock had the pox during the summer and this does look anything like it. What I do have are a group of young guineas that unintentionally have been released with my flock. It has a long story for explaining how the guineas came to be with the hens… but it’s too older males and 4 younger…. Not too young because they all fly to play and roost…. One morning I watched one of the guineas peck and held on for a sec to my Buff Brahma on the face… I immediately looked without grabbing her and realized she probably had a sore… I have two younger brahmas that are just as big as the guineas if not more but since they still have yet to lay they haven’t fully been excepted into the flock and picking on them isn’t anything new… usually just extra feathers. That night I grabbed her took a look at her face and found several places that had either little scabs and one in particular bump (like a black head). Other areas looked yellowish as if there could be puss/underlying infection underneath but either hadn’t surfaced or was just trying to heal… she is now isolated. I used ick on the bump and other areas to try to draw whatever was underneath out. While cleansing the area with a q-tip there was some blood but not too much….

My question is am I doing the right thing?? I have no idea… should I just use Neosporin instead? Or some kind antiseptic ointment like Corona??

I just checked on her and could see where a few other little black dots have surfaced from using the ick and tried to clean the areas… nothing is on the comb, eye area, etc… it’s mostly all soft red skin. Your help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Can you post pictures? I'd be making plans to separate the Guinea fowl from the chickens. Their bad behavior will escalate in the spring.
Yes I can post photos…. I’ve been checking the other hens and so far it’s just the two Buff brahmas that aren’t laying yet…. Which surprised me because they had been unintimidated by them. I definitely want them relocated to the opposite site of the property where we have a barn… but I have been told it’s tricky to reestablish a familiar place they will return to for evenings… Will definitely be researching it.

Thanks for replying. I’m just unsure how to treat it since I certainly don’t want to make it worse… I only have one Brahma isolated at the moment.
Can you post pictures? I'd be making plans to separate the Guinea fowl from the chickens. Their bad behavior will escalate in the spring.
Yes I can post photos…. I’ve been checking the other hens and so far it’s just the two Buff brahmas that aren’t laying yet…. Which surprised me because they had been unintimidated by them. I definitely want them relocated to the opposite site of the property where we have a barn… but I have been told it’s tricky to reestablish a familiar place they will return to for evenings… Will definitely be researching it.

Thanks for replying. I’m just unsure how to treat it since I certainly don’t want to make it worse… I only have one Brahma isolated at the moment.
Can you post pictures? I'd be making plans to separate the Guinea fowl from the chickens. Their bad behavior will escalate in the spring.
Can you post pictures? I'd be making plans to separate the Guinea fowl from the chickens. Their bad behavior will escalate in the spring.
I keep forgetting to catch photos of them… because the best time to do it is when they are getting ready to return to the coop in the evening 😂🙈.

However, with that being said I know for certain it’s from the guineas pecking their waddles… i treat them at night with vetericyn and keep the chickens in the Tun for most of the day and release in Afternoon. It seems to help. 🤷🏼‍♀️. I do have one hen that was probably pecked too close to the eye because she is having issue with it. I have separated and want to take her to the vet but am considering keeping it clean to see if it improves On its own.

So the guineas must be relocated to the other side of the house where we have a barn, huge yard and pasture with lost of pecan trees…. But getting them relocated is where I freeze up and don’t know how to do it…. Hahaha I keep having images of them running and flying over back to the chicken yard 🙈. They are already roosting in the trees but I think I’m suppose to have some place for containment with food and water and roosting provided if they choose?? And maybe keep them contained for like a week to identify it as their new l home base”??

I’m also concerned the minute they see me they will be back in wit the hens, lol…. I tease saying they have imprinted on me because they don’t leave me alone. 😂😂😂
On the comical side… I have the 3 hens molting for the first time and a Sussex not even a year old went broody on me on a nest of rotten eggs….. so I have some drama queens at the moment LOL

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