My broody Buff Orpington Eggsmerelda


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey
Eggy has gone broody. I keep taking her out of the coop which gets her angry and all puffed up.
Buff Orpingtons are so pretty when broody.
They are! Our are very patient about being removed but tend to go straight back to the nesting box. Sometimes we remove the broodies before we open the run and put them in the pasture. Helps break some, some not so much. The best is letting them hatch some eggs. Our second best moms are our Buffs!
Broody buffs are beautiful! :love

But what attracted me... was your creativity. :thumbsup

I love the name Eggsmerelda... was just thinking of naming one of my Spanish ladies Esmerelda. I won't steal it this time though. :cool:
Go for it! My hubby named her.
My daughter named the other buff Nugget. My granddaughter named the SLW Wynnie. My grandson named the EE Henneth Fowltrow. My hubby named one of the Barred Rocks Fraggle (Fraggle Rock?). I named the other Barred Rock Petra which means Rock. And the rooster? She was named Repecca until she revealed she was a he. Now he's Roopecca or Mr. Pecca Roo.
I wouldn't bother her unless you HAVE to make her go out to eat,drink and poo. Some broodies would rather starve then go off on their own for a few minutes. Sending good hatching vibes your way :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
I wish I could let her hatch. I'd get some Amauracana eggs and some Marans and let her raise them. But I am not prepared for that yet. I'm trying to get a bigger coop built for these guys. Too small already. Once I get it built I can use the small coop for a nursery.
Go for it! My hubby named her.
My daughter named the other buff Nugget. My granddaughter named the SLW Wynnie. My grandson named the EE Henneth Fowltrow. My hubby named one of the Barred Rocks Fraggle (Fraggle Rock?). I named the other Barred Rock Petra which means Rock. And the rooster? She was named Repecca until she revealed she was a he. Now he's Roopecca or Mr. Pecca Roo.
Your pun names are amazing :lol: :bow
Yes, I agree with @drumstick diva...if you are having her hatch some eggs, leave her alone. She knows what to do. We only move them when we are not wanting any eggs hatched. When we move them to the hatching coop they are on their own.
Exactly. But as I said to drumstick diva I'm not prepared for hatching yet. I have some expanding to do to the pen and coop first. I'm looking forward to the experience someday soon.

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