My broody has chickies!!! (PICS)


11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
Lakeland, FL
Today was only day 20, but 4 of the little guys just couldn't wait to join mom! She has 4 more eggs under there, so fingers crossed that there are more tomorrow! These are all my grand-chickies! (Oh, and 2 of the eggs in my bator are pipped too!)

Here is my broody's actual biological chick (crossed w/ my EE roo). She really blends in w/ mom:

Here are 2 of the EE chicks froom my girls:
Awww... this is so awesome! (Mini mama is ADORABLE for sure) I know you've been waiting as long as me... don't those silkies just blow you're mind?!
One of the ones in my bator is out too!! Chickies everywhere!
The Silkie should be able to keep the babies warm enough, right? It's only getting down to around 50 here, so I would think they'd be ok. And she's been a mama before so I know she won't leave them.
My broody will sitt on eggs and steal eggs in the home pen, but she won't sit in the broody pen!!! If i leave her in with everyone else, she steals ALL the eggs. What am i to do?
Very cute !!!! They should be fine with her. Its very cold here and I have a silkie with 4 babies.
I had 2 hens that kept laying under my broody the whole time. I just had to pick her up and get the new eggs out every day. I marked the ones I wanted under there so I would know what was what. When I saw that she had chicks today I finally sectioned her off in her corner of the coop w/ chicken wire. One of the hens that has been laying in there was running around screaming b/c she couldn't get to "her" nest box. I think she ended up laying in the yard somewhere instead of in one of the other 4 nest boxes she has to choose from. Stupid chicken...

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