My Broody Hates Chicks . . . .


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
I have an Easter Egger that went broody on me after laying just a few eggs 2 years ago. She hatched 2 chicks in the middle of the night and I found them dead in the coop the next morning. I always wondered if the rooster did it or the other hens together killed them, I never knew. She has been broody again this year and I have tried to "break" her, to no avail. I thought a chick or two would do the trick. I snuck them under her and WHAMMO, she immediately attacked them. One went flying over to the other end of the coop and the other one was in her beak. I grabbed her and got her to let go. I thought she killed the one she had in her beak, but it's ok. I put them both in the brooder and now I know what happened to broody's first hatch! So odd, she hates chicks! Has any one else had a broody hen that hates chicks? Weird, just too weird. Now I don't know whether to keep her, she is broody so much that I named her broody! Thoughts???
shes going crazy save the eggs and put them in an incubator asap
She is not laying, I haven't let her keep sitting on any other eggs either. I take them twice a day. She's been sitting on nothing when the eggs are removed. I don't need any more chickens, but I never heard of a broody hen that hates chicks. Now I have two baby chicks that I didn't really want. . . . :confused:
Not that I think it's a good idea to try again with her, but she may need more privacy, rather than being in the coop with everyone else. Or, her 'wires are crossed' and she's just not meant to raise chicks anywhere.
I have tried to put her in a private coop but she won't have it. I think you hit the nail on the head, her "wires are crossed" and I'll never let her close to chicks again.
if she is still broody you should break her from being broody....and not let her sit anymore....even if she isnt sitting on anything....maybe some time alone will give her time to think about things, and be a better chicken!!!! :)
if she is still broody you should break her from being broody....and not let her sit anymore....even if she isnt sitting on anything....maybe some time alone will give her time to think about things, and be a better chicken!!!! :)
She has been broody for 2 months straight. I have isolated her and tried to "break" her twice. She just starts sitting again after each time. I take her off the nest two to three times each day and sometimes she leaves on her own now. I'll either get rid of her or as husband says "she'd make a good dinner". :confused:

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