My Buff Leghorns? Or are they Buff Orpington?

Here are the eggs, and closer look at the offender and the other one (in the outside run) that came to us a Buff Leghorns.

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To break a broody you can do a few things. One is to keep throwing her off the nest a million times a day and keep taking all eggs away from her. The other is to put her in a broody breaker cage, which is what I do. Use a small wire dog crate, or something similar. Keep it in your coop so she can still see the other chickens and they can see her. Don't give her any nesting material, no straw or chips, or whatever you use. You can try cooling down her "brood patch area" (on her belly) a few times a day.
They are buff leghorns.
Look like Ideal hatchery's stock.
I've had a few and they always had that two tone buff look instead of a nice even buff color.
Side note I've had buffs from hatcheries as well as from breeders and probably half have laid a slightly tinted eggs.
They are buff leghorns.
Look like Ideal hatchery's stock.
I've had a few and they always had that two tone buff look instead of a nice even buff color.
Side note I've had buffs from hatcheries as well as from breeders and probably half have laid a slightly tinted eggs.

Thank you for that info. Have you had any go broody? I closed of her favorite nest box this morning. Hoping that will help and I don't find her in the next one, lol
Thank you for that info. Have you had any go broody? I closed of her favorite nest box this morning. Hoping that will help and I don't find her in the next one, lol
Not a buff. In many years and many many leghorns I've only had two go broody. A mille fleur and a black.
No advice on breaking one. I've never tried. I value and welcome broodies.
My next do I break her broodiness?
Well, if you're not I terestsdin letting her set on eggs.....
Find a cage, and attach it so where so it is hanging. Just as long ad it's off the ground, it doesn't matter how high. This maes it so she doesn't want to set on the bottom. Don't put any bedding in it. Just feed and water, and I put a roost in mine so she didn't have to stand on the wire all day. It will take a couple days. When ou notice she isn't maki S many clucking sounds, and she is really try to grout, instead of sitting, you can give it a go. If she does decide to go back to the next,just keep her in longer.

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