my buff orpington hens eye is turning grey. how can i help her/


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2022
Tulare California usa.
My buff orpington hens right eye is turning grey. She looks like she can still see through it but am very worried she will go blind in that eye. Rn for the past couple months I’ve been feeding them scratch because that’s all I had for them sadly but i let them forage and give them cucumbers broccoli salad and bread as a once in a wile treat. I crush their eggshells and put the bits into their scratch feed aswell. Is it their diet that’s affecting her eye? Or is it something else? and is there anything at tractor supply or something to help her eye?

this is her left eye. It’s normal
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It looks like she may have a cataract. She maybe able to see dark and light objects. How is the ventilation inside your coop? Have you noticed any ammonia odors
It looks like she may have a cataract. She maybe able to see dark and light objects. How is the ventilation inside your coop? Have you noticed any ammonia odors
the ventilation is not the best but it still gets a good about of airflow and its never dusty. and no i have not smelled any ammonia. is there any way i can treat her if its a cataract?
I have a bantam with very, very poor vision. She has a cataract from a peck to her eye and her other eye just doesn't see. She can still see shadows enough that when she's in a mood. She can take her anger out on other birds and can see just good enough to cause issues when she gets out and lost since shell panic and wont let me snag her.

As long as you don't move things too much, She should be able to learn where everything is, and especially if she can still see shadows, she can watch for other birds and see if they're eating or drinking.
I have a bantam with very, very poor vision. She has a cataract from a peck to her eye and her other eye just doesn't see. She can still see shadows enough that when she's in a mood. She can take her anger out on other birds and can see just good enough to cause issues when she gets out and lost since shell panic and wont let me snag her.

As long as you don't move things too much, She should be able to learn where everything is, and especially if she can still see shadows, she can watch for other birds and see if they're eating or drinking.
ok. well her left eye can see perfectly fine so i hope she is ok. is there anyways i can help her vision with her right eye without surgery? like is there any vitamins or something that can help?

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