My Buff Orpington is sick but not too sick to die!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
About January of this year, my favorite chicken, a 1.5 year old Buff Orpington started laying shell-less eggs. I can't count the number of trips to the vet or amounts of antibiotics she's taken. She was my favorite hen and I tried to help her get well. The vet drained her to get the rest of egg remnants. Although she isn't laying now, she can't recover. She can't jump on the roost so sleeps under the nest boxes, she used to get in my lap. No more. She's lethargic. She runs when when she sees us, and I have given up treating her. But she still won't die or get better! My dilemma is I'd like to get 4 or 5 pullets, but don't want to expose them with whatever Priscilla is sick with. The vet is out of ideas. Any suggestions about what to do?
While you had her at the vet, did they check her for worms? Lice/mites? If so and all results were the fact she isnt recovering from the draining episode/not laying, you might want to relieve her suffering...consider culling her. Prior to getting your new pullets, sanitize everything with bleachwater.
Thank you for your opinion. Yes, the vet checked her for all the usual things. He is pretty sure she has peritonitis from broken eggs. She doesn't look well, but she is obviously a survivor and there are foods she just scarfs down: meal worms, greens, berries, yogurt, but no chicken feed at all. She remains very skinny, but in a strange way, strong in spite of her problems. I'd make her a "house" chicken, but for my 4 cats!

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