My button has gone broody.., yay!


7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
It's been 5 days that's she's been sitting on her eggs. I had to make a hiding spot for her. Then I removed the other females, I only left her and the male. And that's when she went broody, right after I removed the other female. So wish me luck! Even the male helps with sitting on eggs. Yay! Lol I hope she has some hatch for her sake. So she can be a proud mama.
Well in a day or 2 the eggs will hatch. she has been consistently laying on the eggs, with the help of daddy quail. I have candled 3 of them and all 3 look very good. There's about 10-11 total. I'll keep y'all posted.
I candled them and saw that they had pip'd into the air sack. So that's how I knew they were coming, soon. Lol
All but one hatched, candled the last one and it looks to be forming but is late. Looks alive in there but at a few days after these, so it needs about 2-3 more days if you ask me. I had to seperate the babies from mama. I have 3 normals and 3 what looks like tuxedos. Cute!

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