My Button Quail Injured Her Foot


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 22, 2011
Cape May County, NJ
My poor female button quail hurt her foot some how. I think it may have happened when she got out and was running all over the room. I didn't notice it was injured till it had areadly scabbed over. What can I put on it, I have neosporin and silver sulfadiazine. I was thinking that the silver sulfadiazine would be the best for it, I just wasn't sure if it is ok for birds. The vet gave it to me to use on one of my lizards so I thought it would be safe. Also do you think this is something that will heal on its own or should I take her to the vet?
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It will heal on its own, no problem. She probably fractured it as well but there's nothing to do about that. As for the wound, neosporin is fine. I'd not use the silver because she may be able to ingest it.
I've always used Q-tips and peroxide to clean small wounds on my birds. Then I dry it, apply a thin layer of Neosporin to the area, and keep a close eye on them. If the redness has subsided by the next day I know they're on the mend, and I'll usually clean and treat the wound once or twice more and then leave it alone.

However, If the redness persists, or there is pus from infection, antibiotics from the vet are needed and it's best to have them looked at by a pro.

Make sure she's not picking at it. I had a budgie almost lose her foot over an injury that she kept chewing at because it was driving her nuts. The vet had to make an elizabethan collar for her out xray film and tape!

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