My Chick Digs


Jun 19, 2019
Aylett, VA
No, really.

Sophia has this really odd habit of digging until she reaches the liner of the brooder. Then she rolls onto her side and continues moving her legs or wriggling. She almost looks like she's trying to burrow.

Does anyone else see this in any of their chicks/chickens? What in the WORLD is she doing??

Quick Edit: She seems very healthy. Good poops, clear vent, bright eyes, likes being interacted with.... So I doubt it's health related?
I take it your Sophia is just a chick since you mention she's in the brooder?
Mine are 3 weeks today and just moved outside yesterday. They still have their brooder plate if they get chilly. The whole crew was dustbathing the minute we put them in their new spot on the porch. It was hysterical to watch, but I wasn’t sure what they were doing either, lol. Glad to read it’s all just run of the mill chicken business. Thanks!
When my chicks were still in the brooder, I just left them to bathe in the bedding. Once they were in the run, they used the sand I had in one run and the loose dirt I had in my current run.

People will do differently, it's what works best for you. Here's a thread about dust bathing that may help:

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