My chicken ate a mouse..

I was so sad because I love mice lol but we have been having a mouse problem from the chicken food and I guess the chickens are better mouse catchers than my cats lmao
I keep waiting for mine to figure out they can eat what they kill. I keep finding dead voles in the run... then again, I haven't found a body in a while... They must have killed them all, or figured out how to eat them.

BTW, can the larger large-breed chickens eat chipmunks? When I throw down scratch, I have a couple of chipmunks that used to come feed with the chickens when they were little. They drive the rodents off now, and have given them some good pecks. I've also seen the munks in my chicken feeder. If one of my girls got one and killed it, is it too big to eat?
My FL flock used to snatch up all the lizards, frogs and toads they could catch. Not only were they fun to play keep-away with, they must have been tasty as none were ever wasted.

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