My chicken diary... One chick's journey

Quote: Thats the only logical next step. I'm sorry about your loss :( but I'm glad your back updating! Nixi was being picked on she needed some friends and you provided its ok.
Also your new babies sound so pretty! My ducklings are yelling at me to let them out for a swim so I gotta go do that right now haha.
I am going to backtrack just a little..... I forgot to mention that Brigit seems like a whole new bird since she started laying! Not so skittish. She is stuck to Helios where she used to run from him.
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Also, more exciting news!

Helios appears to finally be getting saddle feathers! Granted, they are a little dark for welsummer, but i was looking at pictures of wellies online and i saw several with variations in color like his. So, maybe he is a wellie.
I feel so awful! A small pen i had been using for weeks without incident all of a sudden isnt safe. My poor Nixi was attacked. She is missing hide on one wing and body. Probably an inch and a half. She isnt bleeding but its all open. I get kicked out of chrome when i upload pics, so i cant post pics right now. I have to figure something out for poor Nixi. I have her in a pet taxi till i can raccoon proof sonething.
Ok. Well i still cant upload pics. I am using desktop version on my phone. Once it said i didnt have enough memory, but i do. I even checked to be sure. Mostly it just kicks me out of chrome without an error message. It could be my phone...?
Anyway, Nixi is still alive. I put her on tylan because the first night after the attack her breathing became very loud. Her breathing seems worse at night. She is also coughing a lot. Im not sure she will make it, but i am trying. Antibiotics 2 times a day. Fermented feed with garlic and peppers, and vetrx around her head and in her litter and water like directions say. Im so worried.
My chicks seem well. Im afraid to name them. Afraid to get attached since im having bad luck with new birds. Im just so nervous about them getting sick. If Nixi dies i am going to try to see about a necropsy. To see if its injury or illness like Selene.
Tomorrow is my bday. It would make me soo happy n be the best gift if Nixi showed marked improvement....

All good thoughts welcomed and appreciated.

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