my chicken has a wound and i dont know what to do


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
My chicken has a giant gash on her back from a dog attack...i am putting antibiatic ointment on it and she is isolation...she seems to be eating her food and wants to be around the other chickens, but i am afraid that she will get bullied...she doesnt seem to have an infection yet,but her wound is still bleeding a little... the attack happened a week ago....does anyone know anything else that might help...please help!...this is urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm confused.. it happened a week ago and is still bleeding? Here's what you can do from the information so far:

Keep her isolated. Try to find a plastic dog crate, around medium size or so and put it in the pen so she can see her friends, but not get picked on. Continue to slather the wound with neosporin or Vetericyn. Make sure that she's not picking at it. If she is, you'll need to get some medical gauze and vet-wrap to cover it. Feed her higher protein foods like scrambled eggs or yogurt to help her body heal (it needs the extra boost) and put Apple Cider Vinegar in her water. Other than that, just keep monitoring her.. you don't want to release her into the flock until that wound has closed up and started to regrow feathers. The scabs and blood will draw the others to picking at it until she's dead.
thankyou, but what type of yogurt can i use...i have vannila
Do not give her vanilla.. It MUST be plain yogurt. No flavoring whatsoever. The problem is all the sugars and preservatives that go in with the flavoring. So you have to avoid it.. if you want to add something to the yogurt to make it more tasty.. try plain oats and black oil sunflower seeds. Both are healthy and the BOSS has protein that she'll need. Some fresh fruits like chopped strawberries could be added to, the red color will attract her.
Thankyou! And just update on her,her wound is healing now and she is ocassionally laying an egg.

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