My Chicken has bumps on her face around the eyes


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2016
Hi my chicken has bumps around her eyes. She just sat and hatched 7 eggs. She is kind of lethargic but when I wash her head a bit and show her water she perks up a bit. I don't know what it is. Can anyone help identify the disease and advise? Also I don't k ow if I should take the babies out
Fowl pox. It's a highly contagious virus. Get those babies away from her ASAP. Odds are that she's already passed it to them, though. And isolate her from the rest of the flock. There is nothing you can do to treat the fowl pox. It's viral, so antibiotics don't really do anything. But she will need supportive care. Electrolytes and vitamins in her water, keep her warm, and try to get her to eat something every few hours.
Thank you for the information. I have her isolated and have been feeding her and getting vitamins in her. Will the babies make it if I remove them now?
About 2 weeks, provided it's only the 'dry' pox form. If she's got lesions in her mouth, it's wet pox, too. Wet pox is particularly deadly, as it causes lesions through the entire respiratory system.
You will also need to thoroughly disinfect everything that has come into contact with the hen, because even her dander is contagious.

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