My chicken has stopped laying eggs but sits in the nesting box and won't get off


7 Years
Nov 28, 2012
I have a almost 1 yr old Cuckoo Maran and she was a great layer until a couple of weeks ago. Now she sits in the nesting box all day and all night but doesn't lay any eggs at all. The only time she comes out to eat or drink is if I make her. She acts funny when she is out of the box, scratching and rubbing her head and picking like she has mites or lice but I can't see any. I thought maybe she was just in a brooding phase (we have no rooster) but it has gone on too long and I am worried. The vent seems a little plugged up but it is hard to tell since she is very territorial about sitting and pecks me. Any ideas?
Unfortunately we are suburban chicken farmers and can only have 3 hens, otherwise I would love to.
you need to cool her off to make her unbroody either take a fan and cool off her bum or you could put ice cubes under her instead of eggs good luck :D
She will likely do this for a month even if she only has an empty nest. Durring this time she will loose weight and will pull out her belly feathers. This is all normal chicken behavior but if it is cold where you are right now it may not be super healthy for her. You can "break" the behavior by putting her in a wire bottom cage so she can not nest at all for a few days - eventually she will give up. Search "breaking a broody" on the forums. Or, you can let her be. Assess your situation and see what's best for you.

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