my chicken has swollen eye with bubbling liquid

there is not a blood test that can detect ILT or IB, a necropsy is the only way to definitely diagnose.

There is a blood test for IB, I had it done last summer. It is called and ELISA and they can do a swab of the throat for ILT.​
Actually, I tend to agree with you, if they were mine, I would cull them, burn them, then disinfect the area, and get ready for the new chicks. But I know it is hard to not try to help them when you are new to chickens...
I think I would treat the eye as a possible injury and infection..

let us know about the droppings.

feed up with a boost of protein and vitamins.

see how this bird does..

if they continue to show symptoms leading to diagnosis of disease..
poster can opt to cull or treat..with caveat that survivors can be carriers. viewing your photos I noticed some dark those and see if they spread or get bigger and oozy...if they do repost more photos because then they might have pox.
Give POLYVISOL >four drops in beak once a day for a week then taper off the next < as vit A deficiency often goes hand in hand with eye symptoms.
Before applying any ointment you need to flush the eye first with a sterile saline solution or one for human eyes bought at store.
first off thanks all for all the responses ,

before we even got our chickens we did do a little research and they said that chickens were EASY , lol . I guess there is a little more to it . We did definately jump the gun on our chicken purchase and went with older birds , we didnt really know any better . We should have waited and went with hatchery chicks . We did stop the chick order . We figured we should take care of this problem first before we bring baby chicks into the picture.

well , a little more info

here is a pic of the diarrhea , it doesnt look bloody


and as far as the spots on her comb , I really think that it was just dirt as it isnt there today

pic from today


We did put some eye drops on her eye and then put some neosporin on it . I got up real close to see if there was an oder but there wasn't.

We went to the local feed store and got some antibiotics , it says its for CRD (tetracyclene hydrochloride) We couldn't find any others that were described here .We may have to go to the city for those .

All in all we haven't noticed any other changes , she eats ,drinks and scratches around just like she used to , you wouldn't even know she was sick unless you saw her eye .

I was also wondering , should we eat the eggs ? I know not to while under antibiotics and for a couple weeks after , but even today ( before the antibiotics ) there were two eggs in the coop . Should we get rid of them or are they edible.

Again thanks so much for the replys , and I knew my wife shouldnt have named them , lol
JMO here, but I'd say that you need to find out what this is by necropsy. If it is something that make a bird a carrier for life, it will be in your flock forever, basically, unless they are all culled and the area disinfected and it stays without birds for a period of time. Honestly, harsh though it may seem, if one of mine ever develops a carrier-type disease, she/he will be put down, not treated.
That is what happened to my friends flock. She lost 4 or 5 and there were a few showing symptoms. She put them on sulmet in the water and saved all the ones that were not too bad. She had been told it probably would not work, but it did. She had started with terrymicin (sp) with little effect.....but them tried the sulmet and it has been 4 months and all is well. Good luck. the time her birds eyes got all coned out like that, i think it was too far gone, and i think they got real bad real fast from there. I hope you dont lose any, but if you do have them tested to find out what it was, i hope you will share the outcome with us.


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