My chicken is paralized please help me

this is my chickens

In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2022
Please help me she was perfectly fine this morning all normall and when I came back from work she was lying down beside this wall and I noticed she didn't move or come up to me for food as the other chickens did so I picked her up and noticed one leg is all floppy and a bit swollen on the foot the other leg is all stiff and straight and she was really hot too her poop changes first poop when I took here inside was normal the other poops are liquid and waterys and some are all liquid white I don't know how old she is or I'm not 100percent sure what breed as she's a rescue please help


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How long have you had her? She might have been injured, since there is some swelling in the leg, but hard to know exactly what is going on with her. Mareks disease is sometimes a possibility, but injuries or perhaps a stuck egg could also cause a temporary paralysis. I would first check her for a stuck egg by inserting a clean or gloved finger into her vent. Then make her comfortable in a basket or crate near food and water. B complex vitamins 1/4 tablet daily given orally might be of benefit. That can help with a riboflavin deficiency. Has she laid eggs recently? If she is egg bound, then giving a human calcium tablet with D3 would be helpful. Calcium citrate with D is best, but other calcium or Tums is acceptable. Check her crop as well, since it looks a bit enlarged.
How long have you had her? She might have been injured, since there is some swelling in the leg, but hard to know exactly what is going on with her. Mareks disease is sometimes a possibility, but injuries or perhaps a stuck egg could also cause a temporary paralysis. I would first check her for a stuck egg by inserting a clean or gloved finger into her vent. Then make her comfortable in a basket or crate near food and water. B complex vitamins 1/4 tablet daily given orally might be of benefit. That can help with a riboflavin deficiency. Has she laid eggs recently? If she is egg bound, then giving a human calcium tablet with D3 would be helpful. Calcium citrate with D is best, but other calcium or Tums is acceptable. Check her crop as well, since it looks a bit enlarged.
She's laying eggs had her for about 1 and a half years over night she's now out side in a pen warm and she can hop on 1 leg the other leg is still hanging she laid a eggs this morning and her crop is emptying
It sounds like she is doing better. I suspect probably a sprain. Could she have jumped from a high place? Been chased by an animal or aerial predator and run into the wall?
Might have but she has no feeling in one foot and it's all floppy we don't really have any predators except for cats but cats are scared of our house as they get chased away by chickens or duck I was maybe thinking she got stung by a bee wasp or honne bee

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