my chickens are dieing with peck marks all over they're carcasses! help!

my hens are dieing and al i find is peck marks on a carccas and some times only a missing bird and a bunch of feathers. i am suspecting its the guineas but i cant tell though they almost killed my rooster
Sorry to hear this. :(

Please... how old are your hens and guineas and rooster? How did they almost kill your rooster? How many birds in how much space? What is fed including treats and supplements?

A game cam might help you.

Can you post a pic of these peck marks or carcasses that you are finding? How often and how many, where are they? Do you know your local predator load?

Putting your location in your profile will others make more relevant suggestions at a glance.

The missing birds with a bunch of feathers sounds like a predator other than among your flock. Lots of people raise guineas and chickens together though I have no personal experience in that department.

Could be disease or illness inviting flock members to take advantage. Nothing happens without reason.

Consider refrigerating a body and sending in for necropsy to determine cause of death if you want some real answers. Links to help with that (if you are in the states)...

ok some of my hens are about two yrs and also some that are about 11 months including the roosters the roosters are a black australorp and a rhode island red.we have cats but the cats are afraid of the chickens there are hawks eagles coyotes and stray dogs oh and snakes we have water moccasins and black snakes but our hens love to eat snakes i have counted thirteen snakes eaten by our hens. the guineas are six months.
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Guinea fowl can coexist peacefully with chickens, but once they start picking on them they do not stop. It's not a one on one fight. The entire flock of Guinea fowl pick on one bird at a time. No rooster can control an entire flock of berserk Guinea fowl. If they were mine, I would separate the flocks.
ok some of my hens are four to five yrs and i have some that are about two yrs and also some that are about 11 months including the roosters the roosters are a black australorp and a rhode island red.we have cats but the cats are afraid of the chickens there are hawks eagles coyotes and stray dogs oh and snakes we have water moccasins and black snakes but our hens love to eat snakes i have counted thirteen snakes eaten by our hens.
That’s not enough specific information to help you. Which rooster was beat up by the guineas? Are you sure the roosters aren’t beating on the hens? Have you ever seen the guineas messing with the hens? Missing bird could be something else entirely hauled it off. Two 11 month old roosters sounds like they might be an issue.
Or you can increase tour coop size. We always have guineas, no more than 2 for snakes that get past hardware cloth.
No problems. Guineas also do better when broody if moved to a separate place when nesting. Then chickens are game for punishment. They are another “secret room” breeder and very protective over their eggs which is why most wonder off and either find a hole or dig a hole and nest like a turtle.

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