My chickens are HOT! Help!


Apr 30, 2016
My chickens are panting and holding their wings out! How can I cool them off? I have been giving them fresh water every couple hours and they have plenty of shade! I had too spray my Jersey Giant hen, Hilda, with water because she was SO hot! Please Help!
Freeze a water bottle and put it in the coop they will lay next to it to cool down otherwise get more airflow into the coop if it is more hot than outside the coop, or just het heat hardy breeds no point in fighting against nature
Hi there Donnigan

While it is currently winter here in Aus, it does get quite hot and humid in summer. A few things I do to help keep them cool and hydrated are:

* Watermelon is always a favourite in summer and helps with hydration.
* I put frozen vegetables into water, again helps with hydration, cools the water and the bobbing for treats entertains them and hopefully takes their mind off the heat.
* As they do not like getting wet, I damp down the dirt in their shaded run and they seem to like to lay on the cool dirt.
* Or, if they are free ranging, I spray the vegetation in their favourite spot which not only helps the vegetation but keeps that area cooler and the water has a trickle down effect from the vegetation.
* I also damp down and/or create puddles in frequently used paths etc, which they walk through and hopefully aids in keeping them cooler.
* I do have a mister system set up on the run but only use that in extreme heat because we already have enough humidity and adding to it could encourage mould spores which can result in respiratory issues.
* If someone is showing symptoms of getting a little too hot, I have damped down her face, wattles and comb.
We live in central Oklahoma and the heat here is already in the upper 90's, and I have been wondering the best way to cool down my flock. I feed them frozen corn from a muffin pan today, tomorrow I will get a mister to cool them. Thanks.
It might be 100 degrees tomorrow! I live in the southeast usually we don't get such hot summers!
We're in Texas so it's hot here, too. Do they have plenty of shade? That is absolutely one of the most important things.

I give them ice water throughout the day and use electrolyte powder in their water as well.
chickens will be panting in hot temperature it's normal.. they will not die from it

it can get to 115-120 here so

1- the right breed for your area would be best-- if you live in desert states.. get breeds that can handle the heat well since around here even at 12AM it's still 100-103

once you have the right breed.

provide constant shade from the sun
cool/cold water
wet ground or bricks to lie on
pans of water to stand in -- but make sure the water level is around 2in or so.. since they do drink from the pan as well so.. :/

be sure that your coop have proper ventilation ( that small little window will not be enough)

most of the chicken coop plans out there are worthless for my area

keeping cool during the day is one thing but at night is also important

my chickens are outside in the run during the day and in the coop at night
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I am having the same problem today. It is 99 out. They are fully in the shade. My chicks are 10 weeks old and the poor girls are panting a lot. They have a nipple drinker set up which works just fine, but since it is so hot I am wondering if it is too much work for the amount of water they are getting. I just put an additional bowl with ice in it and they were afraid of the ice! go figure. Once the ice melted all 3 girls drank a ton... I hope they are feeling better now. I am about to give them a frozen treat I made of canned corn, water, and scratch in a muffin tin.

Luckily they seem pretty alert and active still. They are just panting a lot and one is holding her wings out.

Breeds are Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Black Australorp. Thought they were more heat hardy?

Anyone have any additional tricks for helping keep em cool?
Right now it's 100 degrees I just give them fresh water in the mornings/evenings and hose the dirt down in there run for them other than that mine take care of themselves and I have not lost a bird due to heat oh and I have hardy winter breeds and they due fine they know how to take care of themselves just make sure you provide shade and birds will know what to do and how to take care of themselves so don't worry to much!!

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