My chickens have become a niusance

Break an Egg

11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
San Antonio
I have a flock of Phoenix about 12 or so of them, and they will not lay in the coop, they will not go to sleep in the coop, they keep hiding their eggs and hatching them. I keep ending up with more chickens than I want. They are a beautiful breed, but they are so not what I need in a flock.

I have made the decision to get rid of my whole flock and start over. I went and bought 6 baby chicks, 3 australorps and 3 ee's. My problem is how the hell do I go about catching all of the ones in my backyard? These suckers can fly!

I'm so stuck.

By the way if anyone in the San Antonio area wants about 7 hens and 6 roosters pm me.
I would put their food and water in the coop, then when you get them in there, close them up for a week. They should be forced to lay in there and know where home is. If they don't come inside each night to roost and lay eggs after that, I'm lost.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I'm thinking maybe a Hav-a-heart trap with some yummies on the inside may help capture them one by one. Otherwise put up a post on Craigslist to the effect of "Catch them and they're yours". some people would take up that challenge.

Also if you can find them at night after they've roosted wherever, snatch them up and put them in a carrier. It is generally easiest to catch chickens at night.

Good luck!
Thank you for responding, I have tied a string to the coop door and caught some of them yesterday. I want to get them all caught and just give them away to someone who won't eat them. Hopefully a breeder that will benefit from having them. They are really smart and hate to be cooped up.
your going to have a hard time giving away 6 roosters to people who dont want to eat them. I mean usually every farm has 1 or 2 already so who needs more. other than for chicken n dumplings!

We have had issues with the girls not wanting to roost in the coupe. Often followed by a coon attack or some such in which a coon got in. They dont feel its safe so they dont want to roost in it.

Wait untill dark, they are roosted. They dont fly then. they will sit on the branch as you walk up and grab them.

1) make shure your coupe is secure from predators
2) move food and water inside coupe
3) round up girls after dark when they have roosted (wherever)
4) put girls in coupe
5) keep locked up for min 3 days we often go for a week as others have said.

If they dont go back there after you let them out.... more chicken n dumplings!
I would say throw some type of food they like into the coop such as bread or corn to try and "draw" them in. Then once they're in there you should be able to catch them. Or you could buy a large fishing net and slap it over them. That's pretty effective also. Tell me how it works out!
I love the heat lamp under the bush!!!!
Good news, I just caught 4 more. I threw bread into the coop and pulled the string to the door. I am planning to catch them all and maybe just give them to a breeder. They look so much like game chickens (fighting is a big deal in my area) I don't want someone to think they are fighting chickens or to make them into tacos.
I'd like to think that most people wouldn't eat Phoenix's... Being that they are mostly valued for there looks and for showing or decoration. Im sure there is somebody on here near you that would take them. Try the For Sale/ Wanted forum.
Just a question, do you leave the light on at night when you try to catch them? If you do, then that may be the reason why they are flying. If it is totally dark, give your eyes time to adjust and sneak up on them. Always works for me.

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