My chickens is dying! Help

Oh, I'm so sorry. It was obvious that she was very ill and could not last long. Chickens do not often have long lives, so it is better to measure them by the quality of that life rather than the length. Please console yourself with the knowledge that she has a loving home with you. :hugs
Thank you so much for those wonderful words. Yes I did give her a great life she was able to run around here and do whatever she liked and I was blessed to be holding her when she left thank you
oh man I never thought I would be so tore up about a chicken but I love my birds I wrapped her in a nice blanky and took her back and later on my favorite cats grave so when hubby comes home he can bury her people might think I'm silly because it's a chicken but that chicken was part of my family thank you all for listening and giving me all the great advice God bless you all
I doubt any of us would think you silly, as many of us feel the same about our chickens. That's why BYC is such a great community. It is so hard to lose them, especially the ones that need extra TLC because they really steal our hearts. Sending sincerest sympathies.
Sorry for your loss there. Sad news at the end of this thread. Some days I don't feel like getting them out to the chicken tractor but then I usually do because I realize it's really fun/good for them and none of us knows what tomorrow may bring.
oh man I never thought I would be so tore up about a chicken but I love my birds I wrapped her in a nice blanky and took her back and later on my favorite cats grave so when hubby comes home he can bury her people might think I'm silly because it's a chicken but that chicken was part of my family thank you all for listening and giving me all the great advice God bless you all
No one on this site will think you're silly for mourning. It's so hard when you don't even know what happened and if you could help, but the hardest part is your brain game of "what if". Please focus on the great life she had being loved and cared for by you and that she died in your arms and with your love. I too process my own chickens but find it too hard to "put down" one that is dying. I actually have to go to the vet to have them put out of their misery.....I have not been able to bring myself to do it. Someday I hope I can because I want to set them free of their pain and misery and to be with me, not in a doctors office. Chickens are so good at hiding that they are sick or something is wrong until it's almost too late (and usually it is too late). But still, you love and would do anything for heart goes out to you for your loss....

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