My chickens seem to prefer their coop

I'm not sure a pile of straw would do it though, because their whole coop floor is a pile of straw basically. They do like tunneling through the straw though.
I just brought four Bantam Cochin hens home on Tuesday and I have crawl into their coop to get them out. Getting them to go inside is also a challenge, I imagine their just not used to their new home. Mine still have not figured out how to use their ramp.
Well the first time we tried to get them to go out it was really really hard to get them to go out, so I gave up and came in, then within the hour they all came out and explored the world around day lots of fun and foraging, third day, no go....Today they walked to the end of the ramp and then back in...Lol.

My big old rooster is up in arms today too though, I brought a new younger rooster home yesterday, and he is magically renewed and vigorous once again...apparently that is the secret to rooster your large older roo getting just a little too complacent? Well then pen a new young roo up somewhere where he can hear him...Lol.
I've heard this repeated as well, and don't believe it one bit.
I have seen a lot of pictures of chickens out in the rain and as far as I can tell they just get wet...
If a chicken would hold it's head up and drink itself to death than those auto waterers would drown millions of chickens wouldn't they?
Well today I just kept chasing them out...they come in and I chase them out again...and now they all seem happy to act like chickens in the underbrush and what not. So
I have seen a lot of pictures of chickens out in the rain and as far as I can tell they just get wet...
If a chicken would hold it's head up and drink itself to death than those auto waterers would drown millions of chickens wouldn't they?

Mine do not have enough sense to come in out of the rain and I worry about them getting sick from being wet. When I think it will rain I toss in some treats for them and close the door behind them. I have one that 'growls' at me at least that is what it sounds like but she is a talker.

I have waterers for them and they love it one of my girls figured out how to tweak the nipple so that the water keeps dripping out so she can drink from the ground. I have never seen them lift their heads to drink rain water either. Was just wondering if anyone ever had seen this.

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