My chickens stopped laying!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 15, 2013
For the past couple of weeks my chickens have stopped laying completely! They recently got new laying boxes and were fine for a few weeks and then they stopped laying, then started again, then stopped completely. It's been close to a month! I keep trying to think of what could have caused this, the weather recently started to warm. What can I do to get them laying again?
are they loosing feathers by chance? or just sitting in the nest box/ else ware doing only that with short break for food?
They have been staying in their coop when I'm not there, I've noticed a couple feathers lost but I think it's from them pulling out each others feathers when they eat. I have one white hen who was moulting through the winter, and then she stopped laying. But the white hen isn't laying now with the rest of them.

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