My Chickens Won't Eat Corn?

I have the same issue -- my RR won't eat cracked corn. I tried to include a link to the article below but the administrator didn't allow me to post the link. If interested in the article, just do a search and provide a few key words and I'm sure the proper link will appear.

by Celia Bertoia
I have had chickens for over twenty years. Since living in Bozeman for thirteen years, my chickens have eaten the same feed and scratch from the same farm / ranch supply store. My hens have always looked forward to enjoying the scratch, a combination of millet, cracked corn, and other whole grains. Still, scratch is their favorite food. Now I need to say it was their favorite food.

Sometime in the last year, my chickens began to flatly refuse the cracked corn included in the scratch. This was during the winter, so they were definitely not filling up on grass and worms. At first, I thought it was possibly moldy or just old, so purchased a new bag. That didn't do it. They would nibble at the chicken crumbles or layer pellets, which contain lots of smooshed grains including corn, but that didn't really do it either. The hens would not touch the corn in an alternative brand of scratch; even that didn't do it. Broadening my perspective, a different feed store garnered my attention. The store manager listened with great interest about my hens not liking the corn anymore. My theory was that the genetically modified corn has finally grown too rich with the Roundup Ready genes or other genetically modified organisms included in the crops.

Corn and soy are the most highly used and grown GMO crops in the country. Hens won't eat insecticides or toxins, which is basically what is in GMOs. He suggested a natural locally grown combination that he mixed right there at their store, called Kibbys mix, named after the gal who concocted the mix proportions. Kibby's mix does have corn, but it is not genetically modified. Guess what? You got it my hens gobbled it right up. They love it. It wasn't organic; it was just non GMO, locally raised corn.

A research paper done by J.S. De Mendovois published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences reports that tests found that rats ingesting the [GMO] corn were subject to statistically significant amounts of organ toxicity. Looking at three different varieties of GM maize, it was discovered that effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the three GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. Monsanto, manufacturer of GM corn, as well as the FDA, insist that GM corn is perfectly safe for animals and humans alike. I have no idea what a haematopoiectic system is, but I know I want it working in my hens and in me, too. If my hens won't eat GM corn, it isn't good.

Celia Bertoia is a chicken lover, garden grower, and small business owner living in Bozeman.

I edited the above article slightly but include a link to the original article. I will have to wait and see if this refusal to eat the cracked corn persists throughout the winter months. Although I tend to believe the conlcusions of the author above. What is happening to our planet is scary. I visited my local rural feed store and asked if they had chicken feed not containing Soy. They all looked at me like I was from a different planet.
HI Celia!
Remember me? I'm glad you are still in the chicken business. My daughter and I moved back several years ago.
My first thought was GMOs! And the animals know more than we do. As humans have lost touch with the earth and the way things should be.
~ Joy
Original owner of "Rose Cottage"
I have four black sex links and they won't touch corn either. I have bought both cracked and whole corn from Countryside Organics, so it is supposed to be organic, but they just are not interested at all. Really never have been and they've only been on either Scratch and Peck or Countryside Organics brands since they started laying in June/July. At first, I thought it was because it appears the cracked corn was just a bunch of ears of corn tossed into a corn crushing type machine, so there was corn, cob, dust and other little pieces of "trash", I'd call it. I thought they just decided they didn't like picking through what was food and what was not, so I decided to try the whole corn, which is much cleaner. Still not eating it. I went out to their pen today and they had rummaged through all the corn to get to the split peas, hard red wheat and sunflower seeds. Both cracked and whole corn lay uneaten all over the ground beneath their suspended feeder. Anyone else have this issue? I'm wondering if they get hungry enough, they will just eat it? All of that organic food shipped in (that's the only way I can get non-gmo around here, other than to grow it myself) is too expensive to waste!! And with four chickens, I'm only getting 1-2 eggs a day, so these are some VERY expensive eggs!!
My girls are the same way. They won't eat the cracked corn in the scratch, they pick around it. I do include a bit of scratch in their fermented feed and they'll eat it then.

However, they LOVE leftover corn from our dinners. Both canned corn or those frozen corn on the cobs. Those they eat like crazy!
Cook their corn? Seriously??!! When did these guys get so dang picky about their corn?! When I was growing up, we had chickens and never cooked their corn and they ate it just fine. Did I just luck out and get the princesses of the chicken breed? lol
My 6 year old pet, free-range house rooster is a corn lover, but he refuses to eat Kaybee's cracked corn!!!!

My squirrels and outside birds refuse to eat it also!! I am returning it to the store and I am complaining.

I buy cracked corn grown at a local farm in Pulaski, Wisconsin and they all love that corn.

At Fleet Farm I bought a 7 pound bag of Scratch Grains made by Nature Wise Nutrena. None of the animals will eat the corn in that either!!!!

We may disagree about GMO corn, but I have a right to know which cracked corns are GMO. I have a right to know which foods are GMO also!!!!

My animals choose not to eat it and I want to be able to choose NOT to buy it. OUR ANIMALS ARE TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING!!!

Thank you all for the information you shared.

I am going to watch the videos you suggested.
My Mottled Javas love Aple Jacks but absolutely wil not touch the green "O"s I was thinking there's probably something to it

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