
In the Brooder
5 Years
May 27, 2014
It's been raining a lot lately and I set up a plastic tarp over the patio furniture. Evidently the plastic was too close to the coop because my girls pulled it through the chicken wire and began to throughly peck on it! I have two ameraucana and one Easter egg. They are 11 months old. I took it away when I saw it but by that time they'd already eaten so much! I don't know why, if my dad didn't feed them this morning or what. I went out and gave them real food but they only ate a little because they'd already eaten plastic! Please help! Do I need to take them to the vet?! What should I do?!?!
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A few years ago one of my hens ate the plastic bandaid off the back of my leg, and I was in the same high panic you are in now. I kept my eyes glued on that hen for 24 hours and I was a poop fanatic.

I breathed a massive sigh of relief when I saw a shriveled up strip of plastic embedded in some poop, minus the telfa pad. It had been dissolved in the crop.

She's still alive and is seven years old. Still lays eggs, too.

Keep feeding her plenty of water and feed, and I'm sure her healthy system will moved it through and on out.
I would worry too much...

Mine have a sophisticated palate and relish eating silicone caulk from all around the house when I'm not looking. Guess it looks like a big clear worm to them.
All my flock have removed and consumed all the silicone caulk from around my place. I've learned to simply lived with the cracks since I'm tired of feeding their addiction.

None have ever suffered any ill effects from it.
Thank you so much for the responses. They ended up just pooping out the plastic they ate. Thank you for sharing the stories and helping me keep from freaking out.

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