My Chicks died, how could I have prevented it?

shanna, the address of the headquaters of rural king is RuralKing, 4216 dewitt avenue, mattoon, il 61938. its president is gary melvin. if you want to save as many chicks as possible, buying them to take home is not the way to go. it just encourages the store to purchase more "inventory" of the same type, since it is selling. instead, write a businesslike, non-emotional letter outlining the problem you find in your particular store, your attempt to correct it with the manager, and the response you got. rk has over 60 stores. it wouldn't hurt top management to put a small training program together on how to manage baby chicks for resale.

as for as buying the sick or hurt birds to save them, your intentions are noble and you should be commended for them, but it's really not the right way to go to get this problem corrected.

good luck.
shanna, the address of the headquaters of rural king is RuralKing, 4216 dewitt avenue, mattoon, il 61938. its president is gary melvin. if you want to save as many chicks as possible, buying them to take home is not the way to go. it just encourages the store to purchase more "inventory" of the same type, since it is selling. instead, write a businesslike, non-emotional letter outlining the problem you find in your particular store, your attempt to correct it with the manager, and the response you got. rk has over 60 stores. it wouldn't hurt top management to put a small training program together on how to manage baby chicks for resale.

as for as buying the sick or hurt birds to save them, your intentions are noble and you should be commended for them, but it's really not the right way to go to get this problem corrected.

good luck.
I will definately write a letter! I see your point that buying injured chicks will cause them to get more in, but it's still the same principle I use when I rescue dogs. The "bad" people may get paid, and they may continue to do what they do, but the puppy mill dogs (or RK birds) are still dogs and I can't let them be hurt.
I will definately write a letter! I see your point that buying injured chicks will cause them to get more in, but it's still the same principle I use when I rescue dogs. The "bad" people may get paid, and they may continue to do what they do, but the puppy mill dogs (or RK birds) are still dogs and I can't let them be hurt.

But you are directly contributing to to suffering of yet more animals by supporting these practices. It's feel-good measures, not actual helping.
But you are directly contributing to to suffering of yet more animals by supporting these practices. It's feel-good measures, not actual helping.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but you are condeming these birds and dogs to death. It's not a "feel good measure", it is a practical and necessary one. My rescue specializes in puppy mill type dogs, and yes, if I buy these sick/injured/dying breeding stock dogs and pups for a nominal fee, I have no doubt it goes right back into the practice. But if I don't help these birds/dogs (as with the many other rescues I am affiliated with), then they will die, and the practice will still continue. Absolutely nothing is accomplished. Now I know it's not going to stop the practice to take in these animals, but it is not supporting it. If I preached and sent letters galore, stood on a sidewalk with a protest sign, I would not reach many people. But if I take in these animals, love them dearly, and then find them wonderful homes and show these new adopters what these practices do, I will have turned an entire family against it. They in turn will tell their friends. If a person can see something they love in a horrible situaton, they will be much more likely to preach against it.

Some people will never see my side of things, but I understand the opposing viewpoint. I get it. But to me, and to the people that help me in this fight, all animals are created equal and have just as much right to live as any human. So to me, seeing these helpless animals is the same as seeing a child starving. If I feed that child, it won't stop world hunger, and it won't make sustainable practices in other countries, but it will change that child's life. Every thing that walks and breathes deserves a fair chance, no matter where it comes from. These animals can't help what practice brought them to life, no more than you or I can. It's not their fault, and they deserve better.
I tried so hard to tell them, very politely, that maybe their chicks were too cold, and that they should probably wipe the poo off their butts, so that no more chicks would die, and the man informed me (again) that you don't have to wipe it off their butts. Which is contrary to everything I have read or heard. They are not very nice at RK, when I went in today I saw a bin of 3 to 4 week old chicks (had most of their feathers) and 4 in particular were getting pecked to death! One's vent is entirely raw and bloody and featherless, and the other's don't have any wing feathers left at all, and one's wing tip is very raw/bloody.

I bought them. I offered to buy all of the wounded ones (some weren't so bad, just a spot or two, but getting pecked by the others, and were going to be bad soon), but they didn't want to give me a discount, and I wasn't about to waste $30 on chicks that were most likely going to die anyway. I don't think I will ever shop at RK again.

Im not sure where you are, but I'd call the local animal care services office. There are laws that these companies must follow to be licensed to sell these animals, it probably falls under pet shop laws, I'd call and report them. If a company were selling obviously sick dogs or cats, they would be cited or shut down, livestock and birds are not different.

and as far as buying all the sick ones, while a good generous idea, If you buy those chicks, it will only give them money to buy more and sell more sick chicks, . Your better off, just not going back and giving them your money, also tell everyone you know why you stopped going there, so they will stop too. When this company starts losing money, that is when they will start caring about their business. just my two cents
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but you are condeming these birds and dogs to death. It's not a "feel good measure", it is a practical and necessary one. My rescue specializes in puppy mill type dogs, and yes, if I buy these sick/injured/dying breeding stock dogs and pups for a nominal fee, I have no doubt it goes right back into the practice. But if I don't help these birds/dogs (as with the many other rescues I am affiliated with), then they will die, and the practice will still continue. Absolutely nothing is accomplished. Now I know it's not going to stop the practice to take in these animals, but it is not supporting it. If I preached and sent letters galore, stood on a sidewalk with a protest sign, I would not reach many people. But if I take in these animals, love them dearly, and then find them wonderful homes and show these new adopters what these practices do, I will have turned an entire family against it. They in turn will tell their friends. If a person can see something they love in a horrible situaton, they will be much more likely to preach against it.

Some people will never see my side of things, but I understand the opposing viewpoint. I get it. But to me, and to the people that help me in this fight, all animals are created equal and have just as much right to live as any human. So to me, seeing these helpless animals is the same as seeing a child starving. If I feed that child, it won't stop world hunger, and it won't make sustainable practices in other countries, but it will change that child's life. Every thing that walks and breathes deserves a fair chance, no matter where it comes from. These animals can't help what practice brought them to life, no more than you or I can. It's not their fault, and they deserve better.

you seem very passionate about saving animals, I really want to applaud you for that!!! You should really look into and learn the animal laws in =the area you live, and just become a flea on the backs of these breeders. Once you know the laws, and the minimum requirements these companies need to follow, you can go out and find what law they are breaking and get them on it.
For example, I took an animal control officer course at my local Humane Society. it cost me 75 bux , but I passed the requirements for animal control officer I . So am I an ACO, Um no, but I know county, state, gov, regulations. SO now when I see animals being unlawfully treated, I can and know that I can call the my Animal care services and tell them. Also by taking the class, I met ACOs and other staff, they gave me their cards, and I now If i feel it is a real animal abuse case, or criminal act, I have a direct contact.

and yes, this class, really opened my eyes, I have called and made reports on several people, mostly people selling at the flea markets., I don't tell them anything, I don;t even warn them, I just pull out my phone dial ACS and make a report, I trust that they will follow thru, and usually I dont see those people there again. . Each animal needs to have a specific amount of space, fresh food accessable water, shelter, , and certain basic requirements by law, local, state and federal. There are many ways to get to these animal millers, the law is the easiest way. The goal should be to stop them before they put that sick puppy in the cage for sale, Not to buy the sick puppy.
you seem very passionate about saving animals, I really want to applaud you for that!!! You should really look into and learn the animal laws in =the area you live, and just become a flea on the backs of these breeders. Once you know the laws, and the minimum requirements these companies need to follow, you can go out and find what law they are breaking and get them on it.
For example, I took an animal control officer course at my local Humane Society. it cost me 75 bux , but I passed the requirements for animal control officer I . So am I an ACO, Um no, but I know county, state, gov, regulations. SO now when I see animals being unlawfully treated, I can and know that I can call the my Animal care services and tell them. Also by taking the class, I met ACOs and other staff, they gave me their cards, and I now If i feel it is a real animal abuse case, or criminal act, I have a direct contact.

and yes, this class, really opened my eyes, I have called and made reports on several people, mostly people selling at the flea markets., I don't tell them anything, I don;t even warn them, I just pull out my phone dial ACS and make a report, I trust that they will follow thru, and usually I dont see those people there again. . Each animal needs to have a specific amount of space, fresh food accessable water, shelter, , and certain basic requirements by law, local, state and federal. There are many ways to get to these animal millers, the law is the easiest way. The goal should be to stop them before they put that sick puppy in the cage for sale, Not to buy the sick puppy.
I would love to do that! I don't know a lot about ACO, my county doesn't have them. Can they cross county lines, or are they strictly within their borders?
I would love to do that! I don't know a lot about ACO, my county doesn't have them. Can they cross county lines, or are they strictly within their borders?
Im not sure how your state works, but, in Texas, an ACO is licensed by the State, so they have jurisdication throughout the state. Every County or City, has their own set of laws, and ordinances, so what is legal in one county, or city may not be legal in another. BUT all County's and Cities, are governed by State Law. In the county where i live, it is illegal to sell birds or animals at the flea markets, so what the back yard breeders do is they sell at the flea markets just outside of the county line, BUT they are still required to obey Tx laws, and tx law states that each animal must have a specific amount of space, clean water, and access to food. and certain vaccinations, so If I see a person with 20 birds crammed into a dirty cage, I call ACS, and make a report. give them the location, and take a picture, in case they call me back and need proof. So far, I've never been called back, so I'm guessing they resolved the situation, cuz I usually dont see the same people again.

i did a quick google for Indiana state gov. it looks like is the website you want to look for, its indianas board of animal health. good luck!!!hope i helped.

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