my chicks don't like it hot :)


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 2, 2010
North Georgia
I have 7 three-day-old chicks, and they were avoiding the area under the heat lamp when it was radiating heat around 94. I raised the lamp and watched for their comfort level, and the like it around 90-88. The brooder is inside my house, in a spare room with the a/c vent closed, but the outdoor temps here in NW GA have been in the upper '80's during the day. I got up to check on my chicks 3 times last night, cause I was worried that the temperature might drop too much, but they were always comfortable. And I'm feeling better now that I switched to a digital thermometer. The first two indoor/outdoor thermometers that I bought were real pieces of junk, a complete waste of money.

And since my chicks are so "cool," I'm naming one Fonzie and the rest from other characters from Happy Days. Fonzie will be whichever chick shows herself as first in the peaking order. The others will be Chachi, Potzi, Ralph, Big Al (reserved for the largest), Richie and Joni.
I found that you don't even need a temp all you need is the chicks they will tell you if they get to hot or to cold I had mine with a heat light Checked the temps all day long and found they were way to hot so I went and got a 90 watt bulb and they liked that so much better the temps stayed around 70 -78 then I just dropped the wattage each week instead of moving the light (no real way to move it with my brooder set up) we all worry about our little fuzzy butts but they will be ok if you watch them and set the lamp just in one corner if they get to cold they will go there and warm up.

ETA: all mine are named after TV and movies I have stripe (he is my big Rooand named after the Gremlins stripe), lulu (she is my white rock, Boss Hoggs wife Dukes of Hazzard)
Then I got Heckle and Jeckle (the crows from sat morning cartoons they are both hens but if you see one there is the other attached at the wing lol) ,then I got Red He is a RIR (I got the name from Foghorn leghorn his buddies name was Red the RIR he dressed in the collage gear)then there is BA (from the A-team) It is my Legshun (sp?) she bit me the first day so I call her B.A. Bad Attitude, then I have Murdock she is the wing flapping one she is always flapping her wings.and I have others but it would take me all day for all of them that is just a few.....
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