My chicks' first day out :)


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Central MA

First time they went out side today!!!!
They are almost 3weeks old.

First time I brought them out, they just came out from box and sit on my lap for while.
Then start roaming around and had fun

I don't have secure pan yet. I just place chicken wire around post, but worked well.
Hopefully my father-in-law comes over this weekend and build coop and run for them
They stayed together pretty close.
Sometime one went far away but started loud peeping and came back to the group.
I just put chicken fence around my 10'x10' tent (you know, craft show tent type).
They are still tiny so it was plenty space to roam around.

If it's nice out today, I will bring them out again.
It's so fun to see !
You are ahead of me. If I learn what your chicks are doing it will help me know what is coming. Mine are about a week and a half - two weeks old I think. I'm surprised at how they want to hop out of the brooder whenever they get the chance. It makes me think that I'm going to need to move them to something bigger soon.

Are yours easter eggers?
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Cute chicks! Do you have SS, too?? The chipmunk marking just looks like mine

Mines are flying out from brooder, too.
Can't believe how high/far they can fly!
Hopefully when they grow big, too heavy to fly.
Mine are Buff Orpingtons, barred rocks, and Araucanas (also known as Easter Eggers). I am supposed to get two more babies on June 23rd through our co-op. I originally was going to get eight Bovan Brown chicks from the local co-op (because that is the kind that they sell), but then someone had the others for sale through Craig's List. I was so happy to get the others because I wanted a variety of chicken types. So I reduced my order at the co-op. I debated on just canceling it, but the Bovan Browns seem like a real sweet bird too. My daughters didn't want me to cancel the order either. My chickens will be about a month apart.
Now I have to see about getting some sort of coop for them to live in!
Hello, my name is motherhenparks. I just recieved my 5 chicks 1 wk . ago and they have already grown twice as big WOW!! I have a small puppy pen I found at a garage sale, it's suppose to be 95 degrees outside today,and I'm wondering if I can bring them outside for an hr? Does anyone know wether this is a good idea or not? I have 3 Red stars and 2 easter eggers,they are so adorable..
Definitly! Just make sure you have plenty of water on hand for them and they will be fine! shelter a bit from wind if a wind picks up, but, if they are anywhere from 1-2 weeks old then you are good!
I would say "go for it, don't cancel
" It would be fun, I envy you.
They grow so fast!! I want more chicks

Hello, Motherhenparks

I'm not expert and not much experience.
But I think if you make sure they have shade to cool off and can get water, should be fine.
They don't have feathers that means can't control their temp good, I think.

Enjoy your chickies, I will too:weee
Wow,great response time! I didnt think about water out there,thank you so much.I uploaded a picture but now I dont know where it is and I see others have pics, could you please tell me how to get the pics on there? thanks.

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