My Cooler/Heater PVC Nipple Water System


9 Years
Mar 21, 2013
After looking for a long time and going based on my coop, this is what I have to water the hens. I built an add on in back from the Innovation Pet Superior XL Hen House Chicken Coop I bought so it could house a 6 gallon Igloo cooler and the galvanized 25lb chicken feeder.

Since the winter heater is made of aluminum (corrosive with any other metal) I have some aluminum strips inserted and that feed down the PVC that will stay warm keeping the PVC from freezing in winter. Drilled a hole in the bottom corner of the cooler that feeds to a 90 degree elbow and a length of 1 1/4" standard PVC with a hose spigot at the end to help drain/clean when needed. Four horizontal nipples in line for them to drink from, only took a day to learn.

Everything is great, in the hot humid summer they drank about 1/4 of the tank full only, super low maintenance. However the issue is the slime from the heat and stagnate water from sitting. While I can easily scrub and clean the cooler, and drain it, I cant on the inside of the PVC.

Besides manual cleaning are there any other things to do from keeping the water in the cooler/PVC from getting slimy? Any conditioner or water treatment to help? Thanks!


Yea I could do that end of summer, not worried about the water in fall/winter/spring. Wondering how I can keep the water from going stagnant tho, maybe a pump?
Yea I could do that end of summer, not worried about the water in fall/winter/spring. Wondering how I can keep the water from going stagnant tho, maybe a pump?
I know this is MONTHS old..did you figure it out? I would add another piece of PVC ..where your 90 is..replace with a T..then feed Back into cooler...add small fish move water..
Yea I could do that end of summer, not worried about the water in fall/winter/spring. Wondering how I can keep the water from going stagnant tho, maybe a pump?
a small aquarium air pump will keep the air oxygenated and prevent stagnation.

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