my CROOKED neckes rir,, gone.........


Currently Birdless Hippy
11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
with maurice, the original space-cowboy
to a wonderful lady

this lady stopped in a week or so ago,, her husband has wanted chickens for years,, well they bought this property about 20 miles away,, is a small farm type place,, then they saw our house,, she stopped in,, called her husband,, and begged me to hold onto 24 chicks for her,,,, she wanted my mutts...... so i did ,,, ( her husband needed time to build a coop... so today she showed up,, was jumping for joy,,, just LOVED them mutts,, her husband built a big 20x20 coop,, has it insulated, heated,, and ready to go,,, hehehe,,, this old lady was loving it,,,, well anywho...... she was looking at MY chicks,, and i had a 3 month rir, we called "crooked" ,, his neck was bent at a 90 degree angle,,,,, i started laughing cause she looked at him,, then looked again,,,, i said ya,, he's a "special" breed,, they call them " corner look-outs" hahahahhaa,,,,,,,,,,,
she was like,, "is he for sale??" i laughed,, said nope,, he's "stuck" that way,, so he stays,,,,, she was all " awwww ,, i would love to have him" ........ so,, since i said he wasnt for sale,,,,,,, i gave him to her...
they do,,,,,,, its just that SOOOoooo many of the people who come here are well ...... "dough-heads" ,, hehe,, and i would NEVER get rid of 1 of my "special" birds,,,, but this lady brought back a memory when stupid people were less "abundant" hahaha

so i had ta share,, lol,,,,,,,, " I FOUND A NORMAL PERSON" hahahaha
Hippie, you never cease to tickle me good......

You're a true salesman to entice a lady to want that uh, well, uh, less perfect looking rooster with a 90 degree, angled, looking around a corner, head! He was her treasure find of the day! Glad you gave him to a great home!
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Our chicks from MM got sick with something that caused their necks to go haywire. Most of them died, but one recovered..."Neckie" my broody Partridge Rock.

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