My dad thinks it's a brain tumor...


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
please i dont know what i can do for her :'( i dont know any avian vets in my area!! her face is swollen and its like a hard mass of something in her head

she's right next to me in my computer chair and she has her head down like it must be heavy!
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my dad said that it may be a brain tumor because Sugar loses her balance alot. he said that she probably isn't going to live long.
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i dont know if i should.. but if i have to, how do i do it?
i dont think i will... its on the back of her head, i could kill her.

maybe this thing will go away? or will it just get bigger and bigger until.. pop and dead chicken. should i just cull her? oh god noo
If you haven't got the stomach to lance it, go to the feed store and get some Duramycin powdered antibiotic and add it to her drinking water. If the feed store carries Immuno Boost get some of that too, and mix it with the Duramycin water. Put the chicken in a small enclosure, the antibiotic water should be the only water available, and mix a fresh batch every day, and give over 10 days, EVEN IF SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE IS HEALED. If you do decide to lance the abcess/boil, lance it at the lowest edge at the back of her head, make a vertical incision so it will drain, and keep her isolated from the other chickens or they will peck at her. I would still start her on the antibiotic too. Good luck!

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