my disabled duck won't eat!


Sep 17, 2013
Salem, or
I have a crested mallard who can't walk. A cat came in our yard and he flapped himself away but the cat didn't touch him. About a day after that he became lethargic and won't eat. He barely drinks. How can I keep him nourished? He is our baby and we are scared he won't make it.
Unfortunately he probably has neurological issues, wich happens sometimes with cresteds. I don't have anything else to say other than I hope he gets better and try mash(water in his food).
I have a different belief about the situation than you do. I would not feel comfortable instructing that course of action.

The only reason I have not given my advice is because I did not want to have the response "thanks but I'm not doing that."

People typically don't actually want advice. They want people to tell them it's okay to do what they want to do.

I'm sorry, but I can't do that for you.
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I know personally hate to think about it but you may have to think of his quality of life. I had to mercy kill a crested duckling due to brain out of skull. If you decide to I can tellvyou how I did it. If not I have a feeling you are giving him the best care you can.
I'm a responsible pet parent and I know when to make those decisions. Up until now he has been perfectly healthy. My request is to help keep him that way. If there is no option obviously I'll consider what is best
Okay I haven't gone through this with mine(luckily) so I can't help you other then suggesting things and hope I'm right. I would try mash if you haven't and I have heard hard boiled eggs work with chickens. I can't think of a way to stop neurological issues(seizures or strokes) So can't help you there. You could try putting vitamins in his water(heard about that) for when he drinks(if he does) I'm just shooting out stuff so no gurantees. Sorry
I had a disabled chicken that lived with us in our house for 7 years as a member of our family. She passes this winter in my arms-loved. I understand your pain, and I suggest trying to syringe feed him if you can get help. If one person can lovingly hold him and keep him calm, the other can syringe feed a mash mixture. I really like "nutri-drench" also for extra vitamin intake. Also carefully look him over for any signs of external injuries. I know you said the cat didn't hurt him, but it can't hurt to look to be on the safe side. I hope he gets better. Good luck and take care.

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